Service-Champions UK 2016

The co-operating partners, ServiceValue GmbH and Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main have developed the UK’s largest service-ranking, the “Service Champions”. The broadly defined customer survey on service experience covers 36.230 customer opinions on 171 companies and 18 sectors.

Customer service is examined by means of the “Service Experience Score” (SES). This is as simple and valid as the “Net Promoter Score” (NPS) and is closely linked to customer retention. The service ranking includes the opinions and experiences of current and former customers (last contact maximum 36 months previously).

The best 30 companies/brands of all those examined (cross-sector) are ranked gold. Positions 31 to 60 receive a silver ranking, positions 61 to 90 receive bronze. As well as the overall ranking, the individual rankings are shown according to sector.

Note: The list considers 171 companies/brands. If a provider is not listed and examined, this does not mean that the missing company no longer exists on the market or that it has provided poor service to its customers/ A company is accepted if its market share (number of customers) is large enough.

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